Sunday, February 5, 2012

Raid and Windex

Lord, forgive me: I just hate ants.  From the first moment I see one or two beginning to scout out my kitchen counter, the fury boils and the griping and complaining begin. "Here they are again.  Can't we just have one warm day without these gross creatures invading our home?  Get out of my house!  Get off of my honey jar!  Really - - - one crumb?!?!?  I can't leave ONE crumb on the counter without you bringing an army of misery into my house?!?!"

Next follows the mad dash to get rid of them as fast as possible, so I bring out my arsenal of poisons.  Raid spray, baits, sticky Terro drops on strips of cardboard.  Yes, they work.  But they leave behind a horrid stench.  They leave behind harmful fumes.  They leave behind a worry that that precious little somebodies are going to touch that poison with their precious little fingers and put it into their precious little mouths.

But here's a secret, Valerie: Windex works, too.  Better yet, remove all the tempting crumbs of sugar and sticky spills, clean thoroughly with a little soap and vinegar, and squirt a little extra cleanliness right near the hole where they're coming in! Ants don't jive with Windex.  They aren't interested in the squeaky clean when what they want is a sticky mess. They become bored with my kitchen and move on to other ventures.    

Doesn't homemaking provide so many opportunities to learn about our spiritual lives as we walk with Christ?  When a messy trial comes into my life and those ants go marching across my heart, what is my response?  Will I become enraged and bring out my arsenal of poisons?  Will I get stuck in a dither, complaining at every turn, wallowing in self-pity and trying every negative tactic I can think of?  Will I let my bitterness fester until it touches everything precious to me?

Or will I seek to purify my heart and go to the source of all the is good and holy?  Will I flood the darkness in my soul with the light of His word and His presence so that the darkness has no hold on my heart?
This is the message we heard from Jesus and now declare to you: God is light, and there is no darkness in him at all. 1 John 1:5 (NLT)
We will all undoubtedly have an opportunity today to experience a trial, big or small.  Today, when yours comes, go to God!  Read the Word, listen to His still, small voice, and try to remember the advice of Gus Portokalos from My Big Fat Greek Wedding: "Put some Windex."